
Le Dessin et le Gouaché en Horlogerie

Drawing and Gouache in Watchmaking

The article discusses the importance and expertise required for drawing and gouache in the field of watchmaking. These techniques are essential in the creative process, often preceding the prototyping phase....

Drawing and Gouache in Watchmaking

The article discusses the importance and expertise required for drawing and gouache in the field of watchmaking. These techniques are essential in the creative process, often preceding the prototyping phase....

Arrière de la montre Khéops représentant un obélisque sur fond en jaspe et lapis-lazuli

The Art of Lapidary

Discover the art of lapidary, the expertise of direct cutting, shaping and polishing of precious, fine and hard stones. Thanks to our exclusive lithotheque (chalcedonies, agates, opals, etc.), we create...

The Art of Lapidary

Discover the art of lapidary, the expertise of direct cutting, shaping and polishing of precious, fine and hard stones. Thanks to our exclusive lithotheque (chalcedonies, agates, opals, etc.), we create...